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September 2017 Blog Archive

Be Part of the Magic Millions Carnival 2018

Magic Millions V2
Posted in Local Events at 24 September, 2017

Are you horse racing enthusiast? If your answer is yes, then we bet that you wouldn't want to miss the upcoming Magic Millions Carnival 2018! Welcome a brand new year with the sound of Thoroughbred hooves thumping along the glorious sands of Surfers Parad...

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Broadbeach Savannah Hotel and Resort is Perfect for Big Families and Friends!

Broadbeach Savannah 49
Posted in Accommodation at 10 September, 2017

In today's blog entry, we go into detail as to why Broadbeach Savannah Hotel and Resort has every room option you need and more! Besides that our guests are already in love with our warm hospitality, thanks to our friendly staff and world-class amenities,...

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